About Henry V

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So far Henry V has created 4 blog entries.

Why Use a Specialist Recruitment Agency?


Why Use a Specialist Recruitment Agency? Using a specialist recruitment agency will help you save your time and effort in your search for the best candidate or role. Having a specialist agency to help fill your niche jobs will relieve the pressure on internal teams, especially if recruitment and selection is not their primary role. For a candidate, a specialist agency can make sure that you're paid your worth for the work you produce. Greenlight People is a specialist IT recruitment agency in Manchester. We specialise in .NET recruitment, amongst other IT roles. If you're wondering the difference between a [...]

Why Use a Specialist Recruitment Agency?2021-03-01T17:54:12+00:00

Why Use a Recruitment Agency?


Why Use a Recruitment Agency? Using a recruitment agency can help you save time and help your internal staff maintain efficiency. For candidates, an agency can be invaluable in finding you the perfect role. If you recruit irregularly, internal recruitment is usually an added task which can use up the HR team’s time. For a candidate, a recruitment agency is incredibly beneficial, as they will remain discreet and keep your job search confidential. Company reasons: Saves time Access to multiple job boards Expertise in the sector Salary benchmarking Candidate reasons: CV and interview support Professional representation Confidential and respectful It’s [...]

Why Use a Recruitment Agency?2021-03-01T17:54:40+00:00

How to Create a Great .NET Developer CV


How to Create a Great .NET Developer CV Specific Suggestions for a .NET Developer CV If you are a .NET Developer and you’re looking to make a CV, here are a few guidelines for writing a better .NET Developer CV (also known as dot net, dotnet or dot-net). Tech Stack For a great .NET CV,  you should mention the tech environment you had with each role. This will give the hiring manager or recruiter a better idea of what you are comfortable working with, alongside how suitable you would be for their role. Be sure to mention everything you use, [...]

How to Create a Great .NET Developer CV2021-03-01T17:54:53+00:00

8 Steps For a Great CV


8 Steps For a Great CV You’ve seen a job role that’s interesting and you think you’re relevant for. You apply and are left waiting, only to receive an email 1 week later that you’ve been unsuccessful. Where did you go wrong? You have the relevant skills, but companies don’t seem to see it. What can you do to make your CV more attractive to employers? 1) Tailor it It is easy to send the same CVs to companies, especially if it’s for the same job role. However, putting that extra effort behind your CV will be noticed. If you [...]

8 Steps For a Great CV2021-03-01T17:55:00+00:00
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